Monday, February 27, 2012

El libro que les da paso por paso como lograr cash hoy todos los dias para todo su vida ya esta disponible en de Devin Huff encuentralo aqui



Selena Gomez

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"Your Attitude"

1. Your attitude. You must have a great one, not good, but great.
You only have enough energy in your day to think positive things.
If you waste it all on negative things and problems and people you
won’t accomplish anything. Don’t worry about trying to make
everyone like you. There are some people that you will never
make happy no matter what you do. So, the choice is up to you.
Let’s say that you are awake for sixteen hours a day every day,
and I was going to give you sixteen dollars every hour to just stay
positive. I bet you would and bet no one could bring you down.
Sixteen dollars is nothing. You could be losing one hundred and
sixty dollars an hour or more. Remember you can always replace
anything, but not a lost day. I’m not saying to walk around and
irritate people with a giant smile on you face and running around
like you have had ten cups of coffee, because no one likes that. All
I want you to do is to change a little. Say Hi to people. Try Good
Morning, Good Afternoon, or Good Evening. It might feel weird
at first. Don’t be frustrated when people don’t respond because a
lot of them won’t. That’s ok because you can smile and feel good
that you don’t feel like that anymore.

Paperback Edition of "Start Hundreds of Businesses Today for Just $20.00" by Devin Huff

Kindle Edition of "Start Hundreds of Businesses Today for Just $20.00" by Devin Huff

"Never Give Up"

Never give up, never. If you are having any type of
problem don’t hesitate to get in touch with me you can write me directly at We will solve the
problem together. So go for it! Get started now, and enjoy the
first part of your new life.

Paperback Edition of "Start Hundreds of Businesses Today for Just $20.00" by Devin Huff

Kindle Edition of "Start Hundreds of Businesses Today for Just $20.00" by Devin Huff